1 | 1

1|1 is a project about a girl who has a mirror on her face. She has chosen to lose herself in a  world full of information, and she has failed to understand or get back to who she really is because of social recognitions and self-expectations that were put upon her. The character is a reflection of myself, an extreme people-pleaser, being tolerant of others while doubting myself. One day I realized that I was not only wearing masks to increase chances of making people like me, but also losing my identity in the process. I kept torturing myself by saying that I was not good enough, but nothing is ever enough. 

Flora Bai portrait2.png

1|1 是关于一个长着镜子脸的女孩的故事。为了获得社会认同和满足自我期待,她在这个充斥着信息的世界迷失了自己。项目的主角是我自己的映照:她是讨好型人格,表面对他人的一切表示包容,内心始终质疑自己。有一天她发现,她戴着很多幅面具的目的仅仅是为了讨好他人以获得夸赞和认可,而且完全的失去了自我。她一直抱怨自己不够好,但是没有什么是足够好的。


Illustration / story by: Flora Bai 插画/故事原创:Flora Bai


To view the installation of this project, please go to Installation - 1|1


Penguin Random House China - Calendar 2021


The Potala Palace